All About Us
Our jewelry items are special as each stone is individually cut, polished and completed by hand in Reno, Nevada USA.
When we create the rings, pendants, rings, bolos, belt buckles and hat bands we try to emphasize the natural beauty of each stone. Sterling Silver bezels have been added to bring out their individual personalities. Our necklace sets were created with the same care.
We participate in many high quality craft shows in Nevada and California during the year where you can touch and feel each item. We try to show the details on our website as well.
We accept all credit cards.
Our Store
Reno, Nevada, United States of America
Phone: 775-850-1800
Store Hours
Email is best contact information as we travel frequently.

Commitment To Quality

Natural Stones have so much personality, we try to bring out the best of each one by following the color or design of each one, which makes every item we make special. Sometimes we leave the natural contours of a stone which are unique.
- We try to bring out the best of each stone when polishing or mounting them.
- Our real stones come from around the world.
- Each item gets special attention when we give them Sterling or Fine Silver bezels that emphasize the stones’ personality.